Tag: Podcast
Happy MonsterCast Episode 25: A Beauty, a Beast, and a Baron
SET A1-2 runs into two refugees who ask for help in freeing a town from an oppressive baron. Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Brendan, Frank, and Bob of the Roll20 Gang. Thumbnail by Artemii Myasnikov
Happy MonsterCast Episode 22: The Emperor and the Empire
In this week’s Happy MonsterCast, the heroes of Tomorrow Legion SET A-12 discover the secrets of the Seal of Solomon and the strange conjured beings at last – and receive a new quest. Featuring Jung Soo, Brendan, Frankie, Bob, and Frank of the Roll20 Gang.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 21
#ActualPlay: The heroes of #SavageWorlds #RIFTS take on Coalition Dead Boys… and meet someone entirely unexpected! #TTRPG #RPG #SWADE #HappyMonster #SavageRIFTS