Category: Savage Worlds
Happy MonsterCast Episode 39: Break-in!
This week, the Legionnaires launch their hostage rescue mission, and find an unexpected enemy, and unexpected allies. Featuring Frankie, Brendan, Bob, Frank, and Jung Soo of the Foundry Gang.
Arisia 2021 Gaming Schedule
Happy Monster will be running three games for the virtual Arisia 2021! Saturday, January 16 at 7:00 PM: Yedo – this is a challenging worker placement board game in which players try to promote the influence of their Japanese samurai clan through means both fair and foul Sunday, January 17 at 4:00 PM: Savage Worlds…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 28: The Brains
The Blind Jump crew are exploring an alien space station that appears to be haunted. After fighting off hostile ghost-like creatures, they continue further into the station. As they explore, the floor suddenly starts to feel strange, almost as though the flat floor was made of rollers. Whooey scans the floor, but can’t figure out…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 27: The Octohedron
After resupplying on Tlaina, the Blind Jump crew jumps to a new set of coordinates. The star system they discover is largely empty; a star has inflated to a red giant and then collapsed, leaving the system mostly empty. However, an octohedral space station orbits near the wormhole exit node, with four docking ports spread…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 26: The Catacombs
The Blind Jump crew have discovered a treasure – an intact Founder City. At the center of the city, they discovered a sort of temple, and inside, the entrance to a series of catacombs. They descend, seeking the next fragmented coordinate that would lead them to the massive starship they saw at the beginning of…
Happy MonsterCast Episode 36: Hostage Rescue!
The rebel superhumans infiltrate New York City on a hostage rescue mission! With special appearances by Alexander Hamilton, Hercules Mulligan, and Cato. Featuring Brendan, Frankie, Jung Soo, Bob, and Frank of the Foundry Gang.
Relics and Rayguns Episode 25: Founder City
After locating the coordinate fragment on a gas giant mining station, the crew of the Blind Jump heads for a new star system. The new system has ten planets, six of them gas giants. Three rocky inner planets orbit close to the star, and one of the planets appears possibly to contain life. Some electromagnetic…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 24: The Vortex
The Blind Jump crew have discovered a gas giant mining station… and another prospecting ship docked nearby. In the midst of a fight with Founder biodrones, a group of power-armored figures entered and demanded the crew leave at once. Max disagreed, and the fight was on. The nominal leader of the enemy fires a plasma…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 23: Mining Station
Reunited after Max, Whooey, Lefty and Miaulong’s exploration of the Churak pyramid, the Blind Jump crew quickly heads for the next jump exit on their coordinate list. The system they discover has eight planets: three rocky inner planets, one with plant life, and five gas giants, one with a large funnel-shaped Founder station in orbit.…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 22: Into the Pyramid
After accidentally poisoning the settlement of native Churaks, the crew decides to split up, with Binx and Shuhb remaining outside to tend to the sick while Max, Whooey, Miaulong and Lefty explore the Founder pyramid. The four explorers pass the incapacitated guards and head for the pyramid entrance. Inside, they find a large, columned space…