Tag: Savage Worlds
Happy MonsterCast Episode 86: Wheels
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, Marlowe and Shaw’s team of investigators tries to talk an Irish grandmother out of the hands of the Moran gang. Featuring Frankie, Bob, Ron, Jung Soo and Brendan of the Foundry Monsters.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 85: Chicago Noir
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the Foundry gang begins their adventures in Deadlands Noir: Chicago! Featuring Ron, Frank, Frankie, Brendan, Bob, and Jung Soo of the Foundry Monsters.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 84: In the Plane of Ilku
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the rockers of Choco Waffle Nar Kill try to escape the plane of Ilku, Sumerian God of the Dead in part 2 of Boomstick! Featuring Brendan, Jung Soo, Frankie, Bob, and Frank of the Foundry Monsters.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 83: BOOMSTICK!
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the Foundry Monsters rock out as a demon-fighting heavy metal group in Boomstick! Featuring Jung Soo, Bob, Brendan, and Frank of the Foundry Monsters.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 82: Fight at the Chalet
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the Foundry Monsters fight a feline supersoldier for vital data in Titan Effect! Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Frank, Bob, and Brendan of the Foundry Monsters.
Legion of Liberty: Greycoats
Back when we released Legion of Liberty, some players asked if they could “play the good guys, instead of the insurgents”. Well, Anglophiles, now is your chance. Greycoats, a new Plot Point Campaign for Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776 follows the adventures of squad of superpowered British soldiers fighting with Wellington against the French…
Happy MonsterCast Episode 81: Titan Effect!
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the Foundry Monsters flash forward to the modern sci-fi world of Titan Effect! Featuring Jung Soo, Brendan, Frank, Bob, and Frankie of the Foundry.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 80: Bootleggers of 1792 Part 2
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the superpowered Goodfellows must find the traitor who ratted them out. Featuring Jung Soo, Frankie, Brendan, and Frank of the Foundry Monsters.
Savage Summer Showcase – Happy Monster Press, Sunspear Games, and Gramel Books
Last night I had the honor of participating in the Savage Summer Showcase, highlighting the Legion of Liberty setting and the Happy MonsterCast! Check out the video below!
Happy MonsterCast Episode 79: Bootleggers of 1792 Part 1
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the superpowered Goodfellows run bootleg whiskey into 18th century Philadelphia. Featuring Jung Soo, Brendan, Frank, Bob, and Frankie of the Foundry Monsters.