Tag: board games
Review: Surrealist Dinner Party
If you like Surrealism, parties, and drama, you’re going to like Surrealist Dinner Party. Honestly, though, if you have no interest in surrealists, you might want to give this one a pass. Here’s my take on the game, which I backed on Kickstarter. Surrealist Dinner Party is a card game for 2-4 players, and plays…
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Stag Clan
The Stag Clan is here! These were tricky, as the sort of butter yellow color of the faction doesn’t lend itself to a lot of clothing options, but I rolled it in where I could. Eyes are an ongoing struggle, but they look better at tabletop distance at least.
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Wolf Clan
The Wolf Clan for CMON‘s Blood Rage was a bit of a challenge – how to incorporate the player color (red) into an animal decidedly devoid of it? I decided to take advantage of the wrap-like garments, helmet plumes, and shields to bring in the red color while using more natural colors for the rest…
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Raven Clan
The Raven Clan is ready for Ragnarok! This clan has blue tokens, which seemed inconsistent with ravens (black), so I went with a combination color scheme, with the black feathered cloaks enhanced with some interference green.
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Serpent Clan
I finally got the basing sand for the Serpent Clan from CMON’s Blood Rage. I chose the yellow color scheme to match the clan token, but wanted the green for the shield for the snake theme.
Con Report: Arisia (Online) 2021
Arisia is Happy Monster’s home convention, and an event Joy and I look forward to attending every year. I generally run 2-3 games of Savage Worlds, using mostly Happy Monster settings but occasionally throwing in some Pinnacle settings as well. Last year was the first year that other Savage Worlds GMs ran games as well,…
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Bear Clan
I’ve been getting back into regular painting, and caught up with the partially-finished Blood Rage Bear Clan from my previous work in process. I wanted to theme four of the clans for the seasons, so the Bear are the Winter clan.
Board Game Review: Space Gate Odyssey
Over the New Year’s weekend, Joy and I finally got a chance to break out Space Gate Odyssey, a 2-4 player game from Ludonaute Games, thereby removing the longest-standing unplayed game from my shelf. The premise of the game is that you are competing factions trying to gain predominance on specific colony worlds by building…
Arisia 2021 Gaming Schedule
Happy Monster will be running three games for the virtual Arisia 2021! Saturday, January 16 at 7:00 PM: Yedo – this is a challenging worker placement board game in which players try to promote the influence of their Japanese samurai clan through means both fair and foul Sunday, January 17 at 4:00 PM: Savage Worlds…