Author: HappyMonsterScott
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Stag Clan
The Stag Clan is here! These were tricky, as the sort of butter yellow color of the faction doesn’t lend itself to a lot of clothing options, but I rolled it in where I could. Eyes are an ongoing struggle, but they look better at tabletop distance at least.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 47: The Missing Courier
This week on the Happy MonsterCast, the Legion of Liberty seek out a lost courier behind enemy lines. Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Brendan, Frank, and Bob of the Foundry Gang. A quick note, viewers and listeners – we had a recording glitch with this session and had to fall back on our backup recording. As…
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Wolf Clan
The Wolf Clan for CMON‘s Blood Rage was a bit of a challenge – how to incorporate the player color (red) into an animal decidedly devoid of it? I decided to take advantage of the wrap-like garments, helmet plumes, and shields to bring in the red color while using more natural colors for the rest…
Happy MonsterCast Episode 46: Cherokee and Iroquois
This week, the Legion of Liberty takes on two missions with America’s indigenous peoples! Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Bob, Frank, and Brendan of the Foundry Gang.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 45: Hessian Fight!
General Washington is planning a surprise attack on Christmas against the Hessian garrison in Trenton, but his surprise attack will fail if the Legion cannot defeat a squad of Hessian sentries. Featuring Frankie, Brendan, Frank, Bob, and Jung Soo of the Foundry Gang.
Foundry Module for Legion of Liberty
Great news for fans of the Foundry VTT; we’ve just released a module for Foundry with compendiums for all of the Legion of Liberty powers, Edges, Hindrances, and skills, as well as scenes and images from the VTT Asset pack. Find it here on Drive Thru RPG!
Happy MonsterCast Episode 44: Crossing the Delaware!
The Legion prepares the way for Washington’s army to cross the Delaware on Christmas Eve! Featuring Frankie, Bob, Frank, Jung Soo, and Brendan of the Foundry Gang.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 43: Charleston
The Legionnaires have been posted to Charleston under the command of General Charles Lee, who is no fan of General Washington or of superhumans. The colonists are outnumbered and outgunned – can the Legion even the odds? Featuring Frankie, Brendan, Bob, Jung Soo and Frank of the Foundry Gang.
Paint Shop: Blood Rage Raven Clan
The Raven Clan is ready for Ragnarok! This clan has blue tokens, which seemed inconsistent with ravens (black), so I went with a combination color scheme, with the black feathered cloaks enhanced with some interference green.
What’s Next for Relics and Rayguns?
When we founded Happy Monster Press, we wanted to bring a range of different settings to the Savage Worlds community. With Children of the Apocalypse, we provided a fantasy setting, and with Legion of Liberty, a historical superhero campaign. Relics and Rayguns is our foray into science fiction, with a strong leavening of pulp action…