Month: February 2018
ETU Actual Play with the Roll20 Gang – 2/21
After encountering a mysterious woman in a hidden room, the investigators caught her starting to transform… into circa 1953 Richard Nixon. The shapeshifter owned up to being a demon, and suggested that he would vastly prefer to return to his home dimension, if they would only let him out. In fact, he offered to answer four…
Head Down in Layout
Posting will be limited for a bit – I’m deep into the layout process for Children of the Apocalypse, with the goal of getting it up onto Drive Thru RPG as soon as possible. Stay tuned for the launch and for information on the upcoming Legion of Liberty.
Malifaux – Creative Taxidermy
A few examples of stuffed piglets and a Creative Taxidermist painted and based.
ETU Actual Play with the Roll20 Gang – 2/8
After facing down a small zombie horde, the sophomores made short work of the remaining two, with Marco hitting a home-run on the last one to finish the combat. The books the zombies were attempting to steal turned out to be volumes on the occult. Even more interestingly, a bookcase door opened in the hallway, revealing…
Savage Temeraire – Dragon Combat
Some of the most exciting scenes in the Temeraire books are the aerial combats between dragons, or even whole formations of dragons. The question is, how would we approach that using Savage Worlds? For a formation level battle, the mass combat rules are certainly an option, but for smaller battles, I think the first approach…
Review: The Secret Cabal Dungeon Master’s Ludus
I just finished listening to the first episode of the Dungeon Master’s Ludus, a Secret Cabal Gaming podcast. I’ve been listening to the Secret Cabal for some time now, and this is their first effort at a focused podcast on gamemastering (not just dungeon mastery, despite the title). The podcast features Jamie and Bender, two of…
Review: Rising Sun from CMON
Saturday was my first chance to break out Rising Sun, the Kickstarted game of diplomacy and battle from CMON. We played a five-player game using the standard five clans, Lotus, Koi, Bonsai, Turtle, and Dragonfly (me), but did include the Kickstarter exclusive monsters. Both the Kaiju and the Phoenix from the Kickstarter came into play.…
ETU Roll20 Gang Actual Play – 1/31
The gang found themselves in a brawl with dozens of zombies. Most of the crew started in one library of the mansion, while Matt was off by himself in another. Strangely, the zombies did not bother Matt, but simply rummaged through piles of books as though searching for something specific. Meanwhile, the rest of the…