Category: Savage Worlds
Happy MonsterCast Episode 34: The Battle of Salem
Elijah Allen’s squad of superhumans fight the Battle of Salem alongside Paul Revere, the Silver Speedster, and the American Revolution begins! Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Bob, Frank, and Brendan of the Foundry Gang.
Happy MonsterCast Episode 33: Escape to Salem
This week, Elijah Allen’s squad of superhumans completes their rescue mission for Paul Revere, the Silver Speedster, and heads for Salem to rendezvous with the colonial militia. Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Brendan, Frank, and Bob of the Foundry Gang.
Relics and Rayguns Episode 21: Planet of the Churaks
The Blind Jump crew have discovered a Founder installation on a world full of plant and animal life. The installation is in the form of a pyramid, and as the crew observes from orbit, is surrounded by a settlement inhabited by indigenous sentient life. The local life forms are primitive, at roughly the Iron Age…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 20: The Garden
The crew of the Blind Jump, having settled their argument about smart rope, begins to cross the bile swamp in the large alien obelisk. Whooey enters the pool and carefully probes ahead with Binx’s smartrope. As he moves across, he sees ripples of movement in the opaque fluid. He quickly retreats, and the crew considers…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 19: Ascending the Obelisk
The crew of the Blind Jump continues their exploration of the weirdly-biological Founder obelisk. Moving through one of the rubbery tubes that connect chambers in the structure, the crew encounters a hideous pustule pulsing with green and orange fluids on the wall. “I can’t tell if I’m fascinated or horrified, but that might be infected,”…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 18: The Obelisk
The crew of the Blind Jump has finally left the bug-infested jungle world behind, and after a stop at the Place of Contemplation to recover and resupply, they head for their next blind wormhole exit node. The ship emerges from the wormhole in a yellow star system with ten large gas giants and two small…
Happy MonsterCast Episode 31: The Revere Gambit
In this week’s Legion of Liberty actual play, the heroes enact their plan to rescue Paul Revere, the Silver Speedster, from house arrest – with mixed success. Featuring Bob, Frankie, Brendan, Frank, and Jung Soo of the Foundry Gang.
Relics and Rayguns Episode 17: Escape from Bugworld
As the crew of the Blind Jump continue to explore the bug-infested Founder site, they reach a large chemical lab. Miaulong notices a vapor in the space “Seems like there’s some sort of vapors in there – but there’s also a Founder’s medkit”. It seems that some of the vent hood benches are broken and…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 16: The Hive
The crew of the Blind Jump has survived a ferocious ambush by insectoid biodrones, and heads deeper underground into the Founder installation. They round a corner and find even more insectoids – these appearing bigger and tougher than the ones they just fought. Whooey draws his microwave raygun and fires at the bugs, driving two…
Relics and Rayguns Episode 15: Ambush!
The crew of the Blind Jump continue their exploration of the bug-infested Founder installation, and are ambushed by insectoid warrior drones as they enter a large pumping station. Whooey fires up his welding torch and flails at a drone, narrowly missing Max and roasting a drone. Binx fires her raygun at a bug but misses.…