Category: Actual Play
Happy MonsterCast Episode 25: A Beauty, a Beast, and a Baron
SET A1-2 runs into two refugees who ask for help in freeing a town from an oppressive baron. Featuring Frankie, Jung Soo, Brendan, Frank, and Bob of the Roll20 Gang. Thumbnail by Artemii Myasnikov
Happy MonsterCast Episode 24: Slaughtertown
In this week’s Happy MonsterCast, the heroes of SET A1-2 find more than they bargained for in Slaughtertown. Featuring Bob, Frankie, Brendan, Frank, and Jung Soo of the Roll20 Gang.
Relics and Rayguns Session 7: Battle of the Biodrones
The crew of the Blind Jump continues their exploration of the undersea alien installation. An airlock chamber leads to a large room filled with catwalks over a large pool. Machinery in the room sends jets of water at random around the space, while worker biodrones manage control panels and adjust equipment. Seeing shark fins in…
Relics and Rayguns Session 6: The Control Sphere
The crew of the Blind Jump continues their exploration of a series of mysterious wormhole exit coordinates. Now, in an underwater installation, they have reached a domed central chamber. At the top of the dome, a sphere of water floats suspended in mid-air. A single chair sits below the sphere on the floor. And a…
Relics and Rayguns Session 5: SHARKS!
The six crew members of the Blind Jump have just encountered a swarm of crustaceans! However, the crab-like creatures reckoned without Shoob’s appetite for arthropods, and, with him eating every one in sight and the other players stomping away, the creatures are quickly dispatched. In the cooking area of the apparent Founder cafeteria the crew…
Happy MonsterCast Episode 22: The Emperor and the Empire
In this week’s Happy MonsterCast, the heroes of Tomorrow Legion SET A-12 discover the secrets of the Seal of Solomon and the strange conjured beings at last – and receive a new quest. Featuring Jung Soo, Brendan, Frankie, Bob, and Frank of the Roll20 Gang.
Relics and Rayguns Session 4: Forest Moon
Following a mysterious set of wormhole exit node coordinates found in an ancient space station, the crew of the Blind Jump arrives in a new solar system, with a hot, Mercury-type planet and a gas giant with an Earth-like moon. They immediately begin scanning for electromagnetic emissions, and quickly trace a faint signal to the…
Relics and Rayguns: Session 3
The crew of the wormhole prospecting ship Blind Jump has discovered a Founder space station in orbit around a red giant. The station turned out to be both active and defended by biomechanical creatures with sharp claws, but thus far the crew has been able to defeat them. Now the six members of the crew…
Happy MonsterCast Episode 21
#ActualPlay: The heroes of #SavageWorlds #RIFTS take on Coalition Dead Boys… and meet someone entirely unexpected! #TTRPG #RPG #SWADE #HappyMonster #SavageRIFTS
Con Report: Arisia 2020
The Happy Monsters made their way to Arisia in Boston once again this year for a weekend full of Savage fun. Friday afternoon saw Joy’s first chance for figure drawing (Arisia had two panels specifically for artists to practice their craft) and Scott’s chance to hit the Dealer Room. At 7, Scott and Joy joined…